Our Services



Pre-show services include logistical planning of equipment rental needs and shipping, as well as the creation of production and staff schedules for the on-site team. We offer registration layout planning on behalf of our clients and in conjunction with the event’s general contractor, including attending any necessary site visits. In addition, we provide badge stock design, order procurement, and badge test printing.


Equipment Rental

We provide registration, lead retrieval, session scanning, and RFID equipment, which is all safely stored and meticulously maintained in our warehouse facility. Prior to every event, ACT works with each client on suggested equipment counts to allow for ideal registration flow and reduction of lines on-site. We also manage set up and tear down of equipment in accordance with building and union rules.



ACT manages all logistical registration equipment needs including setup, cabling, & service for each identified location, inclusive of any required satellite registration areas. Our staff can also step in to troubleshoot & assist with a range of registration systems and CRMs if desired. They are comfortable working with all attendee types including exhibitor, group, VIP, & other specialty registration categories. Lead retrieval services include setup, booth management, and reporting. We further support exhibitors with daily visits to each booth during the event to assist with equipment needs & ensure maximum results. We also provide RFID equipment setup, data management, & reporting while on-site.



At the conclusion of each event, ACT manages the logistics of equipment tear down, load out, and shipping needs. We also provide post-event reporting for our lead retrieval and RFID services.